
Principals, Christmas gift: 460 euros net per month more

Big party for the principals of the schools who from next year, by virtue of the new employment contract, will bring home an extra 460 euros net per month – Crumbs instead for the teachers and the rest of the school staff who will receive an extra 40 euros gross per month.

Principals, Christmas gift: 460 euros net per month more

Perhaps not even most of the 7.452 principals of the Italian school expected such a rich Christmas present. The fact is that from January 460st of next year their paycheck will grow by an average of 353 euros net each month. An increase that applies to the principals but also to the 2016 managers of universities and research institutions by virtue of the new employment contract for the three-year period 8-XNUMX which benefits not only from the salary increase envisaged for all public employees but also from the to senior management figures of the Public Administration.

"It is a significant first step - commented with satisfaction the president of the National Association of Principals (Anp), Antonello Giannelli - in the path towards the complete pay equalization that we have been asking for for years". A big jump in the paycheck, given that so far the net salary of the principals fluctuated between 2.500 and 3 euros per month. There are also many regulatory changes in the new contract, including the possibility for principals who want to return to teaching after five years.

Something is also moving for the professors, although the increases in sight for them will not be even remotely comparable to those acquired now by the principals. Starting next year and by virtue of the sums allocated in the 2019 maneuver, teachers and school staff should bring home gross increases of 40 euros per month, equal to 30 euros net. Crumbs but still better than nothing, provided that the need to balance the budget maneuver does not lead to cuts for school staff.
