
Covid vaccine booking: where and how it can be done

Up until yesterday the procedure had only been activated in 5 Regions (including Lazio and Campania), but today three more should be added - Vaccination methods change according to the Region - Long times in Lombardy

Covid vaccine booking: where and how it can be done

Covid vaccine booking: Italy travels at different speeds. Until yesterday, the service had only been activated in five Regions: Lazio, Campania, Abruzzo, Trentino South Tyrol e Valle d'Aosta. Today they should be added Sicilia, Umbria e Puglia. Wednesday will be the turn of Friuli Venezia Giulia, while on February 15th we will start in Emilia Romagna. Still nothing to do about it Lombardia, where bookings will start in about ten days, while the first inoculations will not take place before February 24th. But even in the territories where times are tighter, the situation is by no means homogeneous.

The basic rule is that the last part of phase one - after doctors, nurses, staff and guests of the RSA - provides for the vaccination of people over 80 years of age. But if Lazio decided to start with the elderly hospitalized, Emilia Romagna (despite not having started bookings yet) he's already vaccinating elderly people assisted at home, extending the immunization to their spouses as well. In Trentino Alto Adige and Valle d'Aosta, on the other hand - where the audience to be vaccinated is decidedly smaller - the campaign involves immediately all over-80s, without further distinction.


Warning: we talk about ′′ Covid vaccine booking ′′ for convenience, but in reality the procedure has nothing to do with a normal booking. In fact, the operation does not allow you to choose or to know the day you will receive the inoculation. What is it for, then? Simple: to inform the State of their willingness to get vaccinatedsince there is no obligation. It would therefore be more correct to speak of "registration on vaccination lists", also because - contrary to what many believe - it's not at all true that the sooner you book and the sooner you receive the vaccine. The Regions do not follow the chronological order of bookings, but give priority - among those registered - to those most at risk, i.e. the elderly and people who already suffer from other diseases.   


Meanwhile, February 15 expires the decree that imposes the prohibition of "every move between Regions o Different autonomous provinces, with the exception of those motivated by proven work needs, situations of necessity or health reasons". In the absence of a further decree by the deadline, everyone will be free from the 16th. By then, however, it is likely that the new Minister of Health (perhaps still Roberto Speranza) will be able to issue a new ordinance to extend the stop to traffic even among the territories in the yellow band.
