
Take to Google to give to the poor

Sanmay Ved, the man who bought the "" domain for 12 dollars, gets a reward from Big G and decides to donate it to charity.

Take to Google to give to the poor

It's not Robin Hood, but a 2.0 version of it. Sanmay Ved, the man who bought the “” domain for $12, refused the reward that Big G was willing to give him for discovering the bug and asked that the entire sum be donated to the Art of Living Foundation, an Indian NGO that works in 152 countries bringing education to difficult contexts.

“I don't care about money. It was never about the money,” Ved told Business Insider. No one knows exactly what figure we are talking about (Ved's only revelation was: "More than 10 thousand..."), but it certainly wasn't a concern for Google's multi-billion dollar accounts, which in fact decided to double the sum when it realized that Ved would give it in benefit

In short, a fairytale epilogue to an incredible story. It all started on September 29, when Ved, browsing on Google Domains (the Mountain View service to register domains) realized with a sensational stroke of luck that "" was available. He immediately bought it and had his credit card charged just 12 dollars. A minute later, however, he received an order cancellation email.

Ved is a computer scientist who has worked for Google and Amazon. He is originally from India but has lived in the USA for years, where he is attending a master's degree in business administration at Babson College. And, for 60 seconds, he had Google in hand. 
