
Journalist Award Nadia Toffa on ecology, environment and eco-mafia to Nunzio Ingiusto of FIRSTonline

Nunzio Ingiusto of FIRSTonline is among the winners of the Nadia Toffa Journalistic Award. Ingiusto has written for numerous newspapers and online magazines and today above all for FIRSTonline. In his long career he has dealt with Southern Italy, the economy, energy, the green economy and the environment

Journalist Award Nadia Toffa on ecology, environment and eco-mafia to Nunzio Ingiusto of FIRSTonline

Unjust Nuncio is among the winners of the third Journalism Award Nadia Toffa on “environmental ecology and the damage caused to nature by eco-mafias”. The award established in 2019, in memory of the investigative journalist, so that the memory and work done to protect the environment by the envoy of the Hyenas Nadia Toffa, who has always distinguished herself and fought against environmental and naturalistic pollution of all kinds , did not become a mere memory.

A philosophy also widely embraced by the journalist Nunzio Ingiusto, a character with a long experience in the energy, technology e green economy. Born in Pomigliano d'Arco (Naples), Ingiusto has a degree in Political Science and began his career in the 80s. He wrote for l'Unità, Paese Sera, Il Mattino, Libero, Il Denaro, Specchio Economico, StartMAG and il Riformista. In his long career he has dealt with the South, economy, energy, environment. He has been director of local periodicals and account manager in Eni and Italgas SpA. He has been a member of committees, special environmental and energy commissions. Former national councilor of the Order of Journalists and of the Public Relations Federation (Ferpi), he is a member of the Italian Environmental Media Federation (FIMA) and of the Free Lance International Press (Flip). He is also the author of the book "Mezzogiorno in bianco e nero" (Ed. Orizzonti Meridionali). He won the "Calabria '79" Journalism Award. Today Ingiusto writes for FIRST online, Italy Notizie24, EspressoSud.

In the afternoon of Wednesday 21 December, from 18.00, in the Domenico Vicinanza conference room of the Palazzo di Città in Battipaglia, the Nadia Toffa Journalist Award III Edition will be presented, which will be presented not only to Ingiusto but also to two other journalists who have distinguished themselves for their activities in favor of the environment: Francesca Ghidini, an investigative television journalist on Rai 3 and Alessandro di Laurenzio, a photojournalist. and journalist of “Il Mattino”. The award will be presented by Maurizio Toffa and Margherita Rebuffoni, the parents of the late journalist.
