
Premafin, 35,5% of Fondiaria

The board of directors of the holding company exercises the option rights. Unicredit at 6,6 percent. At 9,30 this morning the Fondiaria-Sai share lost more than 5,5% on the Milanese lists.

New details emerge on the Fondiaria-Sai case. The BoD of the parent company Premafin, which met yesterday evening, determined the exercise of the option rights which allow it to hold, directly and indirectly, a stake in Fondiaria-SAI equal to approximately 35,5% of the capital, with voting rights post capital increase. Also determined was the transfer to UniCredit of a number of option rights which allows the bank to subscribe Fondiaria-SAI ordinary shares equal to 6,6% of the capital (post increase).
