
Poverty, go to the national aid plan

The Council of Ministers has approved the enabling law for the establishment of a national measure to combat poverty - The starting point of the measure is the "principle of active inclusion" - 800 million of resources allocated by the Stability Law are at stake: according to initial estimates, there will be 280 beneficiary families.

Poverty, go to the national aid plan

Il National plan against poverty is preparing to leave, on the basis of the 800 million allocated by the Stability Law. The announcement was made at the end of yesterday's cabinet meeting by the Minister of Labour Giuliano Poletti: "With the enabling law approved today, we are establishing a national measure to combat poverty, an essential level of performance".

The starting point of the measure is the “principle ofactive inclusion", which will proceed, according to the minister, along two main tracks: "income support and a taking charge to ensure that the family in conditions of poverty can get out of that condition".  

The enabling law, in fact, provides for the enlargement of the Both, the active inclusion support already tested in 12 large cities, throughout the Italian territory, thus making this type of intervention structural, which consists of an average allowance between 200 and 400 euros per month. Part of the resources, on the other hand, will be directed to Asdi, the check that is released once the traditional unemployment benefits have ended.  

The first government estimates on the beneficiaries of the new measures speak of around 280 families and 550 dependent children, for a total of over one million people, a figure, however, well below the 4 million people close to the poverty line according to the 'Istat. One of the basic principles of the provision, as mentioned, is that of active inclusion, from a social and work point of view. Access to benefits, on the other hand, will be linked to Isee income criteria.

On the organizational front, the institution within the Ministry of Labor of a national coordination body is foreseen, attributing to the same ministry new competences in the field of verification and control of compliance with the essential levels of services, the promotion of agreements between social services, and organizations dealing with health, job placement, education and training. 
