
Postehack7: the future of mobile and digital payments

Poste Italiane kicks off the technology marathon among young digital champions at the Talent Garden Calabiana in Milan.

Postehack7: the future of mobile and digital payments

Poste Italiane opens the research site to design the future of mobile and digital payments. Poste Hack is back, edition number 7, the technological marathon of talents who will compete in the design of digital payment solutions. The manifestation is scheduled at the Talent Garden (via Arcivescovo Calabiana 6) until 11 March.

To open the three days a round table in which young entrepreneurs, experts in the digital world and the heads of the main companies in the sector: Valeria Portale, head of the Mobile Payment & Commerce Observatory of the Milan Polytechnic, Marco Porcaro, CEO and co-founder of Cortilia; Barbara Covili, country manager of Mytaxi Italia, Bruno Degiovanni, vice president of Digital Payments Western Europe Mastercard, Davide Dattoli, managing director of Talent Garden; the works will be closed by Marco Siracusano, Head of Payments, Mobile and Digital of Poste Italiane and CEO of Postemobile.

In the spaces of Poste Hack's digital "workshop". teams made up of web designers, marketing analysts, programmers and technology enthusiasts will work. The projects will be evaluated by a jury who will decide the winner on the afternoon of Sunday 11.

There will be one space also dedicated to the very young. On Saturday 10 March, children between the ages of 7 and 14 – together with their parents – will participate in Poste Coding Generation to learn computer programming techniques for creating games and animations.

Talent Garden Calabiana is the largest campus in the Talent Garden network, a co-working space born in a former printing house and today a point of reference for the community of innovators in Milan.

Italian post, the largest operator in Italy in the payment sector with over 25 million cards issued, has launched an open innovation process aimed at creating new products and promoting the culture of innovation by managing the transition from traditional payment methods, such as postal payment slips, to more advanced digital options. In collaboration with Talent Garden, Poste Italiane has already carried out the Poste Hack marathon in six different Italian cities, which was attended by over 200 young people who created prototypes to respond to issues of interest to Poste Italiane (e-commerce, postal and logistics services, postal savings).

For each event, the active participation of the corporate structures involved and also of the employees who make their professionalism available to confront the young innovation talents.
