
Postal services-unions: agreement for 3.170 new jobs in 2019

The company and all the trade union organizations have signed the agreement for the current year, which provides for a reorganization of resources between early exits and new part-time hires - The territorial network has been increased to enhance the role of Poste in e-delivery commerce.

Postal services-unions: agreement for 3.170 new jobs in 2019

Poste Italiane and all trade union organizations have signed last 8 March a q chordemployment management framework for the 2019, which complements that signed last June on active employment policies for ithe three-year period 2018-2020, defining in detail the interventions to be implemented during this year. The agreement, while providing for huge investments in the automation of the logistics network and in the so-called "lean production" (the optimization of resources), also converges on an improvement of the production processes through the participation of the workers and through new hires of part-time resources in the officesagainst an exit plan based on incentivized voluntary redundancies.

Furthermore, there will be a reorganization of resources, which takes into account the anticipated voluntary exodus and theintroduction of new processes organizational, of new technologies and work tools. The agreement, specifies a note from Poste Italiane, in any case provides for specific methods of protection for resources with unfitness for the job caused by an accident at work or serious pathologies. 

As far as the delivery sector is concerned, the agreement with the trade unions also establishes an increase of resources at the territorial level, for the purpose of enhance the role of Poste Italiane in the market e-commerceThe agreement, the press release explains, envisages interventions to strengthen branch activities nhe post offices also through the hiring of part-time resources from Dedicare to front end activities and outplacement in production resources from staff structures 

In the frame defined bylunderstanding of last Junele parts therefore they have agreed for 2019as part of an overall reorganisation, active policy interventions for 3.170 new entries. The actions foreseen by the agreement will the subject of periodic trade union meetings both livenational and territorial. Post office and trade unions finally they will confront each other downtown il month of September for activate the appeal tooutstanding performanceinaries of the Solidarity Fund.  
