
Poste: for Equita it is "Buy", runs the title

Poste Italiane's stock was one of the brightest on the Italian stock market in the morning – The investment bank's analysts assigned the postal group a "Buy" rating and set the target price at 8,3 euros.

Poste: for Equita it is "Buy", runs the title

Equita Sim promotes Poste Italiane. The analysts of the investment bank assigned the group a "Buy" rating, setting the target price at 8,3 euros. A promotion that helped boost the share of the postal group, which rose by more than 3% in the morning in Piazza Affari.

In addition to the capillary distribution network, the transformation from a simple postal operator to a leading insurance and banking operator on the Italian scene was particularly appreciated, despite the fact that the company's accounts do not shine as it would be reasonable to expect, due to a contraction in the market and the many costs fixed.

By 2019, however, Poste Italiane's losses are expected to be at least halved, due to the expected reduction in the workforce, while revenue growth is expected to be driven by the increased penetration of third-party credit. BancoPosta, thanks to the perception of security, could be one of the major beneficiaries of the outflow of deposits from the banking sector, making Poste Italiane a security with a low risk profile and a possible progression of long-term earnings.
