
Poste, the new App for 134.000 employees

The group has made NoidiPoste available to allow its employees to communicate with each other, manage travel or sick leave, express themselves on company products

Poste, the new App for 134.000 employees

Now the 134 thousand employees of Poste Italiane can communicate with a new App: it's called NoidiPoste, it is aimed at employees and 33 thousand have already downloaded it. To do what? to contact work colleagues, express their like (or not), manage business trips from your smartphone or report days of absence due to illness. Through the App it is possible to consult company news, comment on them – explains a note from the group – choose the preferred categories and receive notifications of one's interest.

Italian post

NoidiPoste also allows you to comment on the company's products and services during surveys and is available for iOS and Android systems. NoidiPoste joins the various other applications launched by the Poste group to make life easier for its customers: from Bancoposta to Postepay for financial services and payment cards, to Ufficiopostale to book one's shift at the counter and other services, to PosteId which allows to access the services of the public administration and those of private members of the SPID (public digital identity system).
