
Poste Italiane, the services of the Polis project are underway: One-stop shop of the PA in small Municipalities

The services of the Ministry of Justice are active from today in 5 post offices. The number will rise to 200 by the end of April and 1.500 by the end of the year

Poste Italiane, the services of the Polis project are underway: One-stop shop of the PA in small Municipalities

The operational phase of the Polis project of Poste Italiane which will give the citizens of the Municipalities the possibility with less than 15 thousand inhabitants to have one Single window of the Public Administration inside the post offices. From today the services of the Ministry of Justice are active in five post offices. The new services are active in the Municipalities of Candelo (Bl), Tolmezzo (Ud), Chiusa (Bz), Candiana (Pd) and Alberobello (Ba).

200 polis post offices by the end of April. 1.500 within the year

In these post offices, citizens will be able to use, in addition to the traditional postal and financial services, Voluntary Jurisdiction services thanks to the agreement signed between the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, the Ministry of Justice and the Italian Post Office. The new ones services will disbursed through i branches and dedicated rooms; later they will also be made available in digital mode with innovative totems that will allow citizens to make their requests in self-mode.

By the end of April there will be 200 polis post offices and then reach 1.500 by the end of the year.

The agreement with the Ministry of Justice will thus guarantee access to services from the perspective of a “proximity justice” with access to the judicial system as close as possible to citizens, reducing the impact on judicial offices.

Provide support to disadvantaged or peripheral areas of the country

The post offices of Polis, thanks to digitalisation, will make it possible to provide services to central and local public administrations in compliance with the principles of equity, subsidiarity and environmental sustainability. The project has theobiettivo to promote economic cohesion, overcome the digital divide, provide support to disadvantaged or peripheral areas of the country and support their relaunch. The Polis project was among the first to get the EU seal within the Next Generation EU program and included in the Pnrr. It is worth 1,2 billion: 800 financed by the Pnrr, 400 by the Post Office.

"Poste Italiane will transform the post offices of the municipalities concerned in hub that can supply wide range of public administration services. The implementation of the project confirms the role of Poste Italiane's infrastructure as an engine of the country's economic and social growth and reaffirms our service mission which is based on the value of capillarity as a key element of Poste Italiane's business philosophy and is moves to counter the process of progressive abandonment of the territories" declared the CEO of Poste Italiane, Matthew Del Fante.

“The Polis project is the tangible sign of how the rapid implementation of the Pnrr translates into concrete services to improve the quality of life and well-being of millions of Italians who live in the internal areas of the country. The project is proceeding according to schedule and 1500 post offices will be operational by the end of the year, renovated from a technological, energy and logistical point of view" commented the Co-Director General of Poste Italiane, Joseph Lasco.

Polis project: what it includes, who it is for

Il Polis project it is a revolution for 6.933 post offices placed in 7.665 Italian Municipalities to which it is addressed. These are Municipalities with less than 15.000 inhabitants, villages that are often splendid but emptied and above all devoid of the most advanced services.

In the new offices, construction of which started in 2022 and will end in 2026, identity documents (from passport to health card, tax code), personal certificates, judicial and social security deeds and certificates will be distributed, as well as regional services such as reservations at the Cup or the election to the Rai fee or the ideas. Using machines – the so-called Post office totem (4.000 in all) – it will thus be possible to consult the criminal record but also immediately obtain a duplicate driving licence, 24 hours on 24, seven days out of seven.

The first 40 digital offices have already been completed, 1500 yards will be launched this year. The Polis project also includes the renewal of the external areas in 1000 offices and the installation of 4.000 charging stations for electric cars. For all offices, maximum attention is paid to environmental sustainability and CO2 reduction.

In the reorganization are also planned 250 coworking spaces: historic buildings (about twenty) or more modern which will be distributed throughout the Italian territory, currently owned by the Post Office, will be equipped and converted into shared work spaces.
