
Poste Italiane finances Banca del Mezzogiorno-MCC for 300 million, which immediately invests in government bonds

The Banca del Mezzogiorno-MCC will receive a loan of 300 million from Poste Italiane. These funds are added to the recapitalization of 235 million carried out in February. The bank will therefore have more capacity to lend credit to medium and large companies in the South. Profit in the half-year rose to 16,1 million, +131%.

Poste Italiane finances Banca del Mezzogiorno-MCC for 300 million, which immediately invests in government bonds

The Banca del Mezzogiorno-MCC will benefit from a loan of 300 million from the Post Office, which continues its generous support to the Bank after the recapitalization of 235 million paid last February. The bank, which was created by former Economy Minister Giulio Tremonti to support companies in southern Italy, will have greater credit capacity to be allocated to medium and large companies in the South.

Witnessing the success of the operation is the bank's profit which in the last six months jumped to 16,1 million euro, registering a +131% compared to the previous period. The liquidity obtained from this capital increase was promptly used to purchase Italian government bonds, while all proceeds from the profit will be allocated to reserves.  
