
Poste runs with Race for the Cure

The group gives its support and participates with a team of athletes-addicts in the Komen Foundation race to raise awareness on breast cancer prevention. The demonstration in Rome from 13 to 15 May; then Bari and Bologna.

Poste runs with Race for the Cure

The Poste Italiane team is also running to express their support and contribution to scientific research, engaged in the peaceful and relentless battle to defeat breast cancer. In fact, Poste Italiane offers support and participates with its own team of athlete-employees in the 17th edition of Race for the Cure, the running sporting event promoted by the Komen Foundation and open to all, which for years has aimed to raise public awareness of the importance of breast cancer prevention

Poste Italiane, informs a press release, will be present at the stops in Rome from 13 to 15 May, Bari on 22 May and Bologna on 25 September with its own stand, where the postcard with the special philatelic cancellation dedicated to the initiative will also be available.
