
Poste opens its doors to the families of employees

The appointment with "Posteapertetuttol'anno" is back, a series of initiatives that involve the families and children of employees in the office, with games and themed activities.

Poste opens its doors to the families of employees

Back to “Poste open all year round”, the Poste Italiane project dedicated to the families of employees and their children, which will allow post office employees to literally feel "at home", to forge an almost familiar bond with their workplace and consequently to develop - in the philosophy of the initiative – a deep bond with the work they do. “Posteapertetuttol'anno” consists of a series of initiatives – in which one can participate virtually or in person – which therefore envisage the involvement and active sharing of employees and their loved ones.

Among the first initiatives scheduled, there was the event of 5 December Posteaperte 2019, intended for children of employees aged between 3 and 10 years. The event, designed to introduce employees' children to their parents' workplace and to encourage a meeting between family and company, it involved about 1.500 children throughout the country hosted both in the Rome headquarters and in 13 other local offices.  

The historic appointment, which has been renewed for more than ten years throughout the national territory in the selected locations, it is increasingly successful and involves more and more children and families from year to year. In this case, the children were able to enjoy moments of play, but also entertainment and workshops, all with the aim of making the little ones aware and aware of the issues of particular social relevance such as environmental sustainability, which this year was the central theme of the event. 

For this reason it was indeed set up a small gardener's workshop to bring children closer to the world of nature, allowing them to "get their hands dirty" and familiarize themselves with garden tools and work corners have been created for creative recycling in which it was explained how to reduce waste by enhancing the resources that nature offers to all of us. During the day, while the younger guests were offered a tasty snack, the older ones were guided through a visit to some of the company facilities.  

At the end of the event, as a thematic gadget, everyone received a pencil made of birch wood which, thanks to the non-GMO seeds placed in a biodegradable capsule on the upper end, can be planted in a vase when it becomes too small to be used: with the right care, the first shoots will appear. The Posteaperte 2019 initiative is consistent with the principles of an environmental, social and governance, ESG, whose criteria socially responsible companies – such as Poste Italiane – comply with and which contribute to the country's sustainable development. 
