
Port of Genoa, Enel coal-fired plant shut down

The historic power plant under the Lanterna closed on Saturday night after 65 years of operation, as part of Enel's decommissioning plan - The building could become a liquefied natural gas depot.

Port of Genoa, Enel coal-fired plant shut down

After sixty-five years, Genoa says goodbye to the coal-fired Enel plant located in the port, under the Lanterna, which over time has become a sort of symbol of the city. The plant, one of the twenty-two that Enel has planned to decommission and sell, shut down on Saturday, a day ahead of schedule.

Forecasts that, in an initial phase, spoke of a shutdown in 2017, but later it was decided to anticipate the fate of the plant. The building, which is restricted by the Superintendency, could become a liquefied natural gas depot, on the basis of the new port regulatory plan.
