Cooperative banks: international conference on banking cooperation

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Next March, Assopopolari – the national association of cooperative banks – will hold a international conference on the prospects of banking cooperation in a globalized economy but affected by a deep crisis that risks becoming chronic. The conference will involve the network of cooperative banks and the territory with the presence of both the giants of banking cooperation and medium-small companies operating above all in Asia and Africa. 

“An ecologically and socially more sustainable world is possible – he declared Joseph De Lucia Lumen, general secretary of Assopopolari, in presenting the initiative – The challenge to achieve it is open and banking cooperation, in particular that of popular credit, which has always been linked to the real economy, will play an essential role in a dimension that can only be international".

The numbers of banking cooperation. Over 230 institutions, 524 million members and 820 million customers, 9.700 billion euros in funding and 7.700 billion euros in loans, equal to 13% and 8% of world GDP respectively.

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