
Popolari, extension of one year for the transformation into a spa

An amendment proposed by FdI and voted by all parties apart from the Democratic Party, was approved by the Senate Finance Commission: Popolare Bari and Sondrio have one more year to complete the reform, until 31 December 2019.

Popolari, extension of one year for the transformation into a spa

The Senate Finance Commission has approved an amendment by FdI to the tax decree, signed by all the other parties (with the exception of the Pd), which moves the deadline for completing the reform from 31 December 2018 to 31 December 2019 of the popular banks: the reform which, wanted by the previous government, requires the transformation into a joint stock company of all credit institutions that exceed 8 billion in assets.

At the roll call still missing, to date, Popolare di Bari and Sondrio, who will therefore have an extra year to adapt to the new legislation. The amendment also gave the go-ahead for a retouch that allows the mutual banks of the provincial federation of Alto Adige (the so-called Raiffeisen) to opt for protection systems on the German model and a strengthening of supervision of new groups in order to protect the principles of mutuality at the basis of cooperation.

So pass a line of compromise, different from the one initially proposed by the League that he wanted to dismantle the reform launched by the previous executive: the reform of the cooperative system will be completed, but with a year more time for the two banks that are missing.
