
Pop Vicenza, unopted in Atlante up to 1,5 billion

This is what is specified in a note issued by Unicredit: the Atlante Fund has undertaken a commitment towards Unicredit to subscribe the newly issued shares deriving from the capital increase of Popolare di Vicenza at the minimum price of the proposed range: 10 cents per action.

Pop Vicenza, unopted in Atlante up to 1,5 billion

The asset management company Quaestio Capital Management, on behalf of Atlas Fund, has undertaken the commitment towards Unicredit to subscribe the newly issued shares deriving from the capital increase of Popolare di Vicenza which have remained unopted up to the maximum amount of 1,5 billion.

This is what a note issued by specifies Unicredit, requested by Consob, regarding the agreement of sub-underwriting signed with Quaestio on Atlante's participation in the increase. The fund - Unicredit still indicates - has undertaken to subscribe shares of Popolare di Vicenza at a price not exceeding the minimum of the valuation proposal formulated by Unicredit, approved by the bank's board of directors, equal to 0,10 euros per share.

The effectiveness of the subscription commitment is conditional upon the occurrence, by 6 May 2016, of certain circumstances: in particular that the Atlante Fund collects the minimum amount, as determined in the Fund's regulation at 4 billion, and that there Consob give the green light.

Attachments: Read the Unicredit press release
