
Pop art, cover magic and Sunday story on FIRST Arte

On FIRST Arte, the Tale returns like every Sunday: a very short story in this case, which, as has happened other times on the columns of our vertical site, takes us back to Naples, to the Naples of poignant feelings.

Pop art, cover magic and Sunday story on FIRST Arte

Come back like every week on FIRST Art, the FIRSTonline magazine dedicated to the universe of culture, the Sunday Tale: a very short story, which, as has happened other times on the columns of our vertical site, takes us back to Naples, to the Naples of poignant feelings. “Per amore” by Patrizia Rinaldi is powerful in its lyrical truth, su one of the most intense loves that exist in the world: that for one's land; that she is not only a mother, but also a lover of every one born on her fertile body. And this feeling is felt especially if you are from Naples, which has «hills of shoulders and sea of ​​thighs» and tastes of «plum juice and wine»… but it is not so sweet when it deludes and with one hand, «in one music of streams», then seems to want «to say: “Go away”!». Patrizia Rinaldi, true Neapolitan, writes a contrasted letter to her Nàpule, not to be missed.

The Arte menu does not end here: an interview with Fabio Visintin, an award-winning illustrator from the Veneto region who, participating in a event in the Giufà literary café in Rome, San Lorenzo district, tells us about the "secret that transforms the cover of a book into art". “I love writers very much, what they write fascinates me a lot and I am pleased to satisfy them, when I meet the very thought of a writer it gives me a lot of satisfaction and I am very pleased”.
