A total budget of 780 million European funds. Italy has so far spent 117,5, equal to 15% of the total. These are the main numbers of the National Governance and Institutional Capacity Operational Program (PON Gov) 2014-2020, managed by the Agency for Territorial Cohesion and aimed at strengthening the institutional capacity of the PA. The data were presented during the event held on Wednesday 3 April in Rome.
The allocated funds are used to finance 105 projects for a total of 66 different beneficiary public administrations including Istat, Anac, Anci, Unioncamere, Ispra and Agid.
The PON Gov, explained the Agency for Territorial Cohesion during the event, has reached the financial target n+3 (+108%), the spending threshold to be reached in the third year of the Program in order not to run into definancing for the unreached part.
Antonio Caponetto, director general of the institution, explains: “Italy has never lost and is not in danger of losing European funds. Our country has always met its spending targets. We need to defeat the cliché whereby the system of EU funds is weighed down by excessive bureaucracy"
“Respect for the regulation indicated by Brussels – added Caponetto – cannot be an alibi. The ecosystem of the Italian PA is difficult to govern, but for this very reason even more stimulating. No alarmism for the future, just commitment and work to support the country's growth".