
Pomigliano, Fiat-Fiom 2 to 1 but what will happen after the sentence of the court of Turin?

The court of Turin has rejected Fiom's appeal against the agreement signed by Fiat and the other unions for the Pomigliano plant and has defined the agreement as legitimate. But the accusation of anti-union conduct against Fiat surprised Lingotto, which must now decide what to do with all the investments envisaged by the Fabbrica Italia plan.

The Turin court rejected Fiom's appeal and judged the agreement signed by Fiat and the other union organizations for the Pomigliano plant to be "legitimate". However, Judge Ciocchetti considered Fiat's conduct to be "anti-union" for having excluded Fiat, the promoter of the judicial appeal, from the agreements. On this point, Lingotto, who said he was half satisfied but surprised by the criticisms contained in the sentence, announced the appeal. The ruling certainly proves Fiat more right than Fiom, but the problems aren't over and the game isn't over. Pd senator Pietro Ichino, who has been fighting for some time to pass a law that updates the framework within which to place the new industrial relations, with an eye to company contracts and forms of representation, said that in football jargon the Fiat beat Fiom 2 to 1, according to the ruling. The Cisl and Uil are satisfied, the general secretary of the CGIL Susanna Camusso is silent. Fiot has said it will resort to individual court cases. Precisely in relation to a still uneasy trade union situation, the top management of Fiat, beyond the judicial initiatives, has reserved the right to reflect on whether or not to start the demanding investment program envisaged by the Fabbrica Italia plan.
