Pollution Sicily: petrochemical plants in Syracuse seized

Preventive seizure of the Esso plant in Augusta and the Lukoil Isab Nord and Isab Sud plants in Priolo Gargallo. This was established by the investigating judge of Syracuse, at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office, on the Syracusan petrochemical pole, one of the most important in the internal continent. Esso has a refinery in Augusta and also has plants for the production of lubricant bases and bitumen. In addition to refining activities, Lukoil produces electricity with cogeneration plants using syngas produced with Tar.

The magistrates' decision was taken following an investigation resulting from complaints and complaints presented by citizens, environmental movements and other bodies relating to air quality.

The investigation, which began two years ago, ascertained a "significant contribution to the deterioration of air quality due to plant emissions". The latter, on the basis of what was established by the investigating judge, will be returned only after "the imposition of prescriptions to allow them to be adapted to the technical standards in force".

In detail, the companies will have 15 days to decide whether or not to "submit" to the magistrate's prescriptions. It and South Plants will have to reduce emissions from the plant "with the covering of the tanks constituting the water treatment plant". An annual plan must also be presented, with a surety guarantee. Not only that, all three plants, Esso, Isab Nord and Isab Sud will have the obligation to carry out a roof monitoring of all tanks containing volatile products or products kept in temperature conditions such as to generate diffuse emissions; create vapor recovery systems at the loading and unloading piers; adjust the emission monitoring systems, through the adoption of continuous monitoring systems, making the recorded data available electronically to the Arpa of Syracuse.

Finally, the establishment It will have to reduce the level of emissions into the atmosphere within the established limits of the best available technologies, in particular the reduction of sulfur oxides in two chimneys, and of nitrogen oxides in 21 chimneys.

“We have always behaved in compliance with the authorizations that have been issued to us”. Comment Claudius Geraci, Isab human resources and external relations manager. "The provision was notified to us a few hours ago and we are still trying to understand the elements that are being contested and where they come from - he adds - We have always complied with the indications of the authorizations issued".

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