
Poletti: subsidized part-time for the over 60s

The idea will concern employees of private companies who are three years away from retirement: the company guarantees the worker 65% of the salary, while the State pays the notional contributions so that the pension allowance at the end of his career is equal to 100%.

Poletti: subsidized part-time for the over 60s

Subsidized part-time for over 60s: after 65, salary at 100% and retirement at XNUMX%. It is the recipe of the Minister of Labour Giuliano Poletti, provided in the stability Law, to give a boost to employment by promoting the generational change in the company. 

The idea will concern i employees of private companies who are three years away from retirement. Absurd, says the minister, to think that at 60 you can work like when you are 30. It is therefore good to think of periods of working life in which the commitment is less heavy, more appropriate to old age. "We certainly cannot think - says Poletti - that one works intensely until the last day, and the following day one finds oneself going to the park". 

So here is the proposal to change the rules. The company guarantees the worker 65% of the salary, while the State pays the notional contributions so that the pension allowance at the end of the career is equal to 100%, while the company puts its share in it. A measure too expensive for private individuals, some say. But the minister replies that it is necessary to compare “the cost of a worker at the end of his career and that of a substitute, young, without the cost of seniority and with more up-to-date skills. It's an interesting proposition." 
