
Pnrr Lab: the SDA Bocconi laboratory is born to monitor and evaluate the investments of the Plan

A laboratory is born at Bocconi to closely monitor the investments of the PNRR: Fabrizio Pagani (ex Treasury) will be the coordinator of the Advisory Board

Pnrr Lab: the SDA Bocconi laboratory is born to monitor and evaluate the investments of the Plan

Europe's largest capital injection needs monitoring tools in addition to the direct implementation ones. The PNRR it is preparing to become, provided that Italy maintains the right course, probably the most effective instrument of economic policy in recent decades. "We are also at an excellent point on the intermediate objectives and we could achieve them well before June 30, indeed most of them can be achieved by June 20", declared the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi in recent days. For this the newly constituted PNRR Lab, SDA Bocconi laboratory for monitoring the investments of the Plan he will become one of the sentinels on the field to understand if Italy will keep the course.

It will also analyze the economic, environmental and social impact of the Plan's reforms and investments, both at a national and local level. Fabrizio Pagani, president of M&M (Ideas for a better country), will coordinate the work of the Advisory Board of the Laboratory, conceived as a space to attract investments linked to the implementation of the European plan. Indeed, the funds of the European Union represent the greatest opportunity to relaunch the country's competitiveness: 191,5 billion euros (plus 30 billion from the complementary fund) coming from the 750 billion euros allocated by the Next Generation EU fund. The over 220 billion will go to finance fundamental reforms in strategic sectors to keep Italy in the first tier of global economies (digitalization, ecological transition, infrastructure, education, inclusion, health).

«These resources can leverage private investments and can multiply. A collective effort by the Italian system is needed: reforms and investments must improve the country's business environment and its ability to attract investments and human capital», declared Fabrizio Pagani.

What the SDA Bocconi Pnrr Lab provides

On the level of monitoring and evaluation, the Bocconi Lab will develop a database of indicators that will allow you to create specific focuses, such as the M&M PNRR Radar and the Value for Society Barometer, and will develop evaluation models valid at all institutional levels. Furthermore, among the objectives there will be the monitoring of the stages of implementation on the side of reforms and investments in its three strategic axes (digitalization, sustainability, Southern Italy) and in some key areas (PA, urban regeneration, training, innovation, infrastructures, healthcare), also offering a benchmark compared to other European countries. It will map the implementation mechanisms at national, regional and local level, reconstructing the articulation of the investment process and consistency with spending times. Finally, it will propose additional public administration modernization actions.

The PNRR Lab sees, among the first to join as founders, Adecco, Ferrovie dello Stato, Snam, Intesa Sanpaolo, Enel Foundation and as other partners, Assist Digital, Coima SGR, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica, Habacus, Pirelli and WindTre. The Steering Committee will be chaired by Giovanni Valotti, professor of Business Economics and Public Administration at Bocconi.
