
PNRR, Lease in the Senate does not convince the opposition: more snap is needed. Game always open with the EU

After Minister Raffaele Fitto's report to the Senate, there are still perplexities about the measures already adopted and about contacts with the European Commission. The energy transition came from the Minister's words

PNRR, Lease in the Senate does not convince the opposition: more snap is needed. Game always open with the EU

Three and it's not over. On the PNRR the government of Giorgia Meloni has taken the path of emergency decree in order to show interest in achieving the objectives of the Plan. As the weeks go by and the "constant confrontation" with the European Commission is maintained, the decrees add up. In his report yesterday to the Senate, the Minister Raffaele Fitto he said the whole program needs to be overhauled. Must change some goals along the way, given that the government wants to bring home all the expected money. One thing is certain, the intervention did not meet the expectations of the eve. The controversies within the majority on yes/no projects have remained out of the question of the Minister's technical-bureaucratic evaluations. There was no mention of the reallocation of money should some initiative of the Plan not be implemented. How is spending remodeled? We don't know. Who decides and how if a project is abandoned? Give us time, says Fitto. We will present a more comprehensive report at the end of May. Many questions, therefore, remained open yesterday, increasing the uncertainties on the most complex political game of the last 40 years. Italy risks making a poor figure after bringing home over 200 billion euros.

The PNRR does not set aside the energy transition

The decree-laws can be a solution, but internal sharing before that with the EU Commission is essential in order not to have leaps forward and leave disappointment in the territories. With the decree PNRR 3 published in the Official Gazette on 21 April some points have already been revised. A highly strategic one like the energy transition, yesterday in the Senate, was barely touched. Fitto mentioned the experimentation with hydrogen in public transport, but did not say what is happening for other projects involving municipalities and hundreds of businesses. On the Repower program, Italy had 2,7 billion euro non-repayable. If he has the capacity, he can add money from previous unspent programs. We are talking about initiatives that would make the country recover from delays that have become intolerable, such as greater energy independence, experiments and research in the environmental field, incentives to reduce the energy consumption of families and businesses. With the third decree, some progress has been made. However, it remains to be seen what actually happens. In particular if the authorization requests for new wind or photovoltaic plants will be released; if the projects ongoing they will be supported by qualified personnel; if the revisions mentioned will not lead to total cancellation of individual projects and the reduction of fondsthe. In the provision of April 21, for example, the Ministry of Culture will have to give its go-ahead only to projects located in areas under its protection. It means staying out of certain areas. Will he do it or will old forgotten bonds be discovered? For abandoned industrial areas, where some Regions are working on Wally of hydrogen, now only environmental impact assessments are required. We have to assume that the deregulation on requests already in progress is rapid and that companies can reopen the construction sites. The decree also states that sites where there are already photovoltaic systems can accommodate other energy structures provided that the occupied area does not exceed 20% of the total area. The motorway companies can grant land concessions for renewable energy plants, but only "on the basis of public procedures". Lastly, as regards incentives for new green installations, the decree increases the maximum annual expenditure commitment for public administrations and reduces the maximum annual expenditure commitment for i from 700 to 500 million euro private individuals. The operation has the scoop of encouraging municipalities to present projects for renewables.

The news on renewables test bench for bureaucracy

These changes to a crucial part of the Plan indicate defects of origin of the implementing rules. It took ministers 6 months to realize this. There are, however, two points to keep in mind. The first concerns the European Commission, if it considers the "streamlining" of papers valid with respect to the overall reform of the PA that was requested of us. The second, if the changes will really be applied by the Superintendences, by the Authorizing Bodies and if the Public Bodies will be ready to benefit from the new expenditure ceilings for green plants. Not by chance, Mara Carfagna he asked for reassurances on 40% of the resources destined for the South, where building sites and bureaucracy are slower than in the rest of Italy. Besides what says ithe President of the Anci Antonio DeCaro there are organizations that have difficulty participating in calls for tenders. In fact, despite the effort made by the Minister in front of the senators, i 19 billion of the third installment they are not there yet and those of the fourth to June 30 are part of the "constant confrontation" with Brussels. Oppositions with the Democratic Party give little credit to the government. The group leader in the Senate; Francesco Boccia he said that “This government takes off the mask on the PNRR. They don't indicate the critical points, they don't believe in the function of public health and there are also nursery schools at risk. In short, people's lives. As mentioned, at the end of May the government will present to Parliament a detailed report on the state of implementation of the PNRR. It should mark the dividing line between controversies, interlocutions with Brussels, convergence towards tangible results. Yesterday's information was supposed to be a sort of "abstract" with respect to the 18,8 billion payments receivedi until December by the EU according to the Bank of Italy. At the next round they should be just a sad memory.
