
Pnrr and national research centres: first calls for innovation-driven companies and start-ups

The first round of tenders, promoted by the Polytechnic of Turin as a partner of the National Center for Sustainable Mobility (MOST) is aimed at companies and start-ups for the launch of highly innovative research projects in the field of air mobility and of sustainable mobility - Financing and consultancy from Intesa Sanpaolo

Pnrr and national research centres: first calls for innovation-driven companies and start-ups

Activated by National Center for Sustainable Mobility (MOST) i first calls in research and development, promoted by Polytechnic of Turin, from the funds of Pnrr, addressed to companies and startups. Businesses will be able to count on the financial and consultancy support made available by Understanding St. Paul, co-founder of the Center (“MOST” of Milan, “HPC, Big Data and Quantum Computing” of Bologna, “Agricultural Technologies” of Naples and “Gene Therapies and RNA Drugs” of Padua), for the creation of supply chains of research and innovation for the Italy of the future.

The first round of calls promoted by the Polytechnic of Turin

MOST, which boasts a budget of 3,3 million euros, aims to finance innovative projects in the context of air mobility (low emission aircraft) and sustainable mobility on the road (electric and hydrogen zero-emission vehicles).

Companies that gain access to the tender have the opportunity to interact with the Polytechnic of Turin in the development of research projects dedicated to the two sectors, which are highly innovative and fundamental for the growth of the country, and can count on the support of Intesa Sanpaolo in terms both financing - alongside non-repayable contributions - and specialist consultancy from the Group's dedicated Desk.

Il model di financing inaugurated by MOST will be replicated on all National Research Centres, with a dedicated Pnrr allocation of 120 million euros to be assigned to companies in the period 2023-2025 and with a ceiling of 500 million euros for complementary financing made available from Intesa Sanpaolo.


“The National Center for Sustainable Mobility MOST represents an extraordinary opportunity to renew and strengthen research structures and promote lasting cooperation between the academic world, businesses and public administration – he commented Ferruccio Stay, president of MOST-National Center for Sustainable Mobility –. This project supports research and technological innovation, promotes the diffusion of the culture of sustainable mobility and is committed to the formation of paths dedicated to the future generation of technicians and entrepreneurs. To achieve these objectives, it is essential to implement specific actions such as Open Calls, aimed at businesses and startups, in order to expand the network of excellent entities that contribute to valorising the results of research in the field of sustainable mobility."
