
Pnrr: also the chamber system among the implementing bodies

The Chamber system will support the central administrations, the Regions, the autonomous Provinces and the local authorities in the operational implementation of the interventions envisaged by the Pnrr

Pnrr: also the chamber system among the implementing bodies

The number of entities that can be called upon to implement the has been increased National recovery plan e resilience. As established by dl Recovery (law decree 152/2021) whose conversion law came into force on 1 January, the Chambers of commerce and the entities connected to them will be able to give their contribution to the central administrations, the Regions and local authorities, holders of the programs of the Pnrr – a package of investments and reforms financed by the European Union – for the implementation of projects through its territorial network.

By amending Decree Law 77/2021 (Governance of the Pnrr), paragraph 2-bis, introduced during the examination by the Commission, establishes that, to ensure the effective and timely implementation of the interventions of the Pnrr, the central, regional and premises can avail themselves of the technical-operational support, as well as of supervised entities and companies with mainly public participation, also of bodies of the chamber system, in its divisions (Unioncamere Chambers of Commerce, Regional Unions, instrumental bodies and Italian Chambers abroad).
