
SMEs, 2,5 billion in incentives for productive investments are on the way

The Ministry for Economic Development has entered into an agreement with Abi and Cassa depositi e prestiti – a 2,5 billion euro plafond will be established at the CDP which banks and other financial intermediaries can use to grant loans to SMEs for investments in machinery, systems, equipment and digital technologies

SMEs, 2,5 billion in incentives for productive investments are on the way

The Ministry for Economic Development has entered into an agreement with ABI and Cassa depositi e prestiti to make 2,5 billion of incentives available to small and medium-sized enterprises operating in Italy to make new investments in the production process.

A ceiling of 2,5 billion euro will be set up at the Cassa depositi e prestiti (possibly to be increased with subsequent measures up to 5 billion) which banks and other financial intermediaries can use to grant loans to SMEs (including agricultural and fishing ones) for investments in machinery, plant, business capital goods and equipment to be used in the production process, as well as investments in hardware, software and digital technologies.

The credit institutions that adhere to the agreement - as well as the leasing companies, if in possession of a guarantee issued by a bank adhering to the agreements - will be able to use the limit to grant loans until 31 December 2016.

The ministry grants a contribution to SMEs to partially cover the interest paid by companies with a total budget allocation of 191,5 million for the years 2014-2021. The contribution is equal to the amount of interest, calculated on an amortization plan, at an annual rate of 2,75% for five years.

It will also be possible to benefit from the Guarantee Fund for SMEs up to 80% of the bank loan obtained by the company, with priority access.

The loan requested must be at least 20.000 euros, up to a maximum of 2 million, can cover up to 100% of the investments and must be used entirely to cover the investments themselves.

Applications can be submitted from 31 March 2014. The forms will be available by 10 March 2014 on the website
