
Pizza Day: The True Neapolitan Pizza Association Involves 19 Countries and Connects with Antarctica to Promote the Culture, Meaning and History of Pizza

The start is January 17th with the lighting of the traditional fire of Sant'Antuono Abate, protector of pizza chefs. Conferences, masterclasses and talks to delve into the processing techniques, from dough to cooking, to toppings. The calendar of Pizza Club meetings

Pizza Day: The True Neapolitan Pizza Association Involves 19 Countries and Connects with Antarctica to Promote the Culture, Meaning and History of Pizza

Countdown to Vera Pizza Day, the non-stop marathon that will start on Friday 17th January with the lighting of the traditional fire of Sant'Antuono Abate, protector of pizza makers, at the AVPN Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana headquarters in Naples, to tell the story of pizza and its cultural and gastronomic value in all continents. The initiative will start as every year on the occasion of the feast of Sant'Antuono. It will be a twenty-four hour trip around the world to honor the patron saint of pizza makers but above all to spread the culture of Neapolitan pizza in all continents, protecting its original identity.

The start is January 17th with the lighting of the traditional fire of Sant'Antuono Abate, protector of pizza chefs

Nineteen countries involved in the initiative with Qatar and the Philippines as a novelty and twenty-two masterclasses all live on the YouTube channel by AVPN @pizzanapoletanaverace. Among these, the highly anticipated one is also with scientists from Concordia Base in Antarctica.

“We can proudly state – says Antonio Pace, President of AVPN – that our “creature”, the Vera Pizza Day, has now become a global event, the reference event for the entire community of pizza makers and pizza lovers from all continents. A unique format that in each edition involves great masters of the white art and millions of enthusiasts, underlining the importance of pizza as a symbol of global connection”.

Also relevant are the Sant'Antuono Awards, awarded each year, in collaboration with the Univerde Foundation, to personalities from various sectors who have particularly distinguished themselves in the dissemination, defense and promotion of pizza. The recipients, for 2025, will be Rosanna Romano, General Director for Cultural Policies and Tourism of the Campania Region, Flavia Sorrentino, Vice President of the City Council of Naples, Monica Piscitelli, food and wine journalist, and Laura Accomazzo, General Director of the Nui Nui Publishing House.

Conferences, masterclasses and talks to delve into processing techniques, from dough to cooking, to toppings

At the end of the Vera Pizza Day, the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana will be on stage at SIGEP World, from 18 to 22 January at the Rimini Fair, with the Pizza Club, in Pavilion B8 which will also host a stand “signed” by AVPN. The program is packed with conferences, masterclasses and talks, conceived and managed by AVPN, for an ideal meeting point between the community of enthusiasts and professionals in the sector. A hub that will see master pizza makers, chefs, journalists and communicators in the sector in dialogue to delve deeper into the processing techniques, from dough to cooking, to toppings, but also to learn about the origins and traditions linked to pizza and discover new trends in the sector.

The Pizza Club meeting calendar

The Pizza Club meeting calendar will open Saturday 18th January with Il Coffee with the President, the talk that, every morning at 11.00, will see the AVPN President Antonio Pace in conversation with internationally renowned guests such as the starred chef Gennarino Esposito, the AIS President Sandro Camilli and the General Secretary of the Association Paolo Surace. The first day will continue at 12.00 with the show cooking “Generazione Verace” with the master pizza chefs Ciro and Antonio Coppola, followed by the conference “Neapolitan Pizza and its authenticity without borders” moderated by Alberto Lupini scheduled for 14.30 pm. It will then be time for the awards ceremony of Best AVPN Pizzeria 2024, the Association's contest that sees pizza chefs from all over the world as judges and, closing at 16.00 pm, the masterclass "Margherita and her sisters" with Francesco Pone and Fulvio Belfiore.

Sunday January 19 the show cooking at 12.00 will have Antonello Cioffi as its protagonist, followed by the conference “The future of training in pizzerias in the world. The new trends of 14.30” moderated by Alberto Lupini at 2025. At 16.00 Vincenzo Esposito, master pizza chef from Carmnella (Naples), will present the masterclass “Margherita and her sisters”.

The day of Monday 20th, will open at 12.00 with the show cooking by Gianmarco Ferrandi and Giacomo Devoto, a Michelin-starred chef; then space for the conference “Chains of Artisan Pizzerias: from a new trend to a consolidated reality” moderated by Antonio Puzzi and scheduled for 14.30, followed by the masterclass “Margherita and her sisters” with Ciro Salvo of 50 Kalò.

Tuesday 21 January, the show cooking “Generazione Verace: Pizza e Cucina” will see Luca Tudda and Corrado Scaglione in dialogue, who will leave space for the conference on the Socio-Economic Observatory of Neapolitan Pizza moderated by Antonio Fucito. The new project that aims to analyze and understand the business of Neapolitan pizza born from the collaboration of AVPN with the University of Naples Parthenope, FIPE Confcommercio Campania and the Department of Human and Social Sciences, cultural heritage of the National Research Council (CNR-DSU). Closing, starting at 16.00:22 pm, the masterclass “Margherita and her sisters” with Luca Di Massa and Gennaro Langella and, on the last day, Wednesday XNUMX, the show cooking “Generazione Verace” with Mirko D'Agata.

The evenings of the event will all end with a convivial moment, the Aperipizza, which will combine pizza and good music.
