
Socially responsible investments more than sixfold

Investors who favor SRI Funds, i.e. investment models that combine profitability expectations with a socially sustainable approach they more than six-fold in Europe (+549%) in the two-year period 2013-2015: this is revealed by the data of the Eurosif Brussels 2016 study. However, the use of these strategies, the study always explains, by Italian private customers, albeit in growth, is less marked than in France, Holland and Switzerland.

I SRI funds (Sustainable and Responsible Investment) are mainly used by institutional investors, even if the private client component is growing (from 3,4% to 22% of the market). This trend is linked to two factors: the greater sensitivity towards social issues and environmental risks, and the disappearance of the expectation of a lower profitability of SRI investments.

In particular, it should be noted that the Exclusion strategy (which provides for the elimination of individual issuers or sectors or countries from the investable universe, on the basis of certain principles and values) is the dominant one in Europe, with 10.000 billion euros under management. While the strategy with the highest growth rate is that of Impact Investing (+385%), with a particular focus on Green Bonds.
