
Pirelli: ok 5-year bond issue for 600 million euro

Complete success of the issue, with a yield of 110 basis points on the reference rate, which makes it possible to minimize the debt by extending its maturities and reducing its cost

Pirelli: ok 5-year bond issue for 600 million euro

Pirelli started and successfully completed, on Monday 22 January, the placement with international institutional investors of an unrated bond, on the Euromarket for a
total nominal amount equal to 600 million di Euro, duration 5 years, at a fixed rate.

At closing, the loan had an order intake of 2,4 billion euro from approximately 280 international investors.

The bond issue – under the company's EMTN (Euro Medium Term Note) programme
– makes it possible to optimize debt, refinancing future maturities for a corresponding amount, lengthening its average duration and lowering its overall cost.

Here are the details of the bond loan features:

  •  issuer: Pirelli & CSpA
  • guarantor: Pirelli Tire SpA
  • amount: Euro 600 million
  • settlement date: January 25, 2018
  • expiration date: January 25, 2023
  • coupon: 1,375%
  • issue price: 99,502%
  • redemption price: 100&

The effective yield to maturity is 1,479%, corresponding to a yield of 110 basis points
above the reference rate (mid swap). The securities will be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.
