
Pirelli HangarBicocca presents Generosity/Generosity

Sunday 14 January a day of conversations, music, performances on the occasion of the finissage of the exhibition “Take Me (I'm Yours)”.

Pirelli HangarBicocca presents Generosity/Generosity

Generosity/Generosity, conceived as a special event in the Public Program of the “Take Me (I'm Yours)” exhibition, involves over twenty guests including artists, architects, curators, theorists and designers to take part in a conversation accompanied by moments of performance, musical moments and reading. Theme of the day is the generosity, central to the conception of the exhibition "Take Me (I'm Yours)", which has among its inspiring texts the book by Lewis Hyde "The gift", a reflection on the role of the work of art and its circulation in keeping I live the value of generosity in contemporary society.

Can generosity still be a key to understanding the relationship between different generations of artists, or between artists and the public? Is the transmission of knowledge, both within institutionalized forms such as schools and academies and through informal relationships such as support and exchange, still a possible modality in art? In the society of sharing and free, does it still make sense to talk about generosity? What is the role of exhibition spaces and exhibitions in facilitating the circulation of art?

The conversations will try to answer these and other questions, also taking a cue from the continuity between the artists featured in "Take Me (I'm Yours)" and the figure of Lucio Fontana – whose exhibition “Ambienti/Environments” is present at the same time in the spaces of Pirelli HangarBicocca – which represented a starting point for a generation of younger artists.
