Pirani: Fiom-Fiat, a political war

It's not to be believed. The notorious article 8 inserted by Sacconi in the recent decree of August, against which the CGIL even went on a general strike, was the basis of an agreement that Fiom made with Ilva of Paderno Dugnano, in which some clauses of the national contract, so as to encourage labor productivity thus favoring the competitiveness of the plant.

"That's it. And indeed in that establishment, which is small, there is only Fiom and not the other unions. This demonstrates how ideological the position of the Fiom summit is". Paolo Pirani, the confederal secretary of the Uil, is not kind to the managing group of metalworkers of the CGIL, which presents itself as the aggregator of all the revolutionary and anti-system impulses that exist in Italian society. Landini and his associates are therefore not trade unions but political agitators. Locked up in their bunker in Reggio Emilia, the heads of Fiom plan actions to break the economic system trying to create, with pure Leninist technique, the conditions for a revolutionary explosion.

“In this sense, the instrumentality of the positions taken in the Fiat case is evident, which is by now the only stage left in Italy, from which maximalist slogans can be launched and have a visible return on the national media. The same decision by Fiom approved by Camusso - continues Pirani - to present a platform for the renewal of the metalworkers' contract of 2008 which expires at the end of the year, is made in open violation of the agreement signed by the CGIL in June with Confindustria, and serves only to try to assert the so-called ultra-activity (i.e. the natural extension period of the contract) in order to support the lawsuits brought by Fiom itself against the Fiat agreements of Pomigliano and Mirafiori on a more solid legal basis before the courts . It should be noted that the 2008 contract has been superseded by the 2009 one to which Fiom did not adhere, which was canceled some time ago by Federmeccanica, and that in any case all Fiom's action against company contracts is in contrast with the letter and with the spirit of the June agreement also signed by Camusso on behalf of the entire CGIL”.

So even Confindustria, which also wanted the CGIL to be signed at all costs, has by no means resolved the problems of derogations from national contracts and the question of representation.

"I really do not think so. Marcegaglia – says Pirani – should have asked Camusso with determination for a full commitment to solving Fiat's problems as well. Not only that, but unlike what was done by Uil, Confindustria did not cancel the 93 agreement on representations, thus giving space to the action of Fiom, which claims to apply it to all companies registered in Confindustria”.

Here then is one of the technical reasons that prompted Fiat to leave the Confindustria system completely.

"That's right - adds Pirani - and therefore the choice of Marcegaglia to be too accommodating towards Camusso leads to a loss of representativeness of Confindustria".

But the Fiom problem has too often been underestimated by politicians and by the industrialists themselves. Here we are no longer faced with a union but with a real group of activists of the revolution who seek contacts with all the groups that for one reason or another are "against". It is no coincidence that Landini and Cremaschi were at the indignati demonstration on Saturday. It is no coincidence that they have sought contact with social centers with radical ecologists, and they defend the young people's proposal not to pay Italy's accumulated debt. Surely they have nothing to do with the thugs who have destroyed half of Rome and who bypass the union itself on the left, but they present themselves as the only organized force capable of coagulating all the protests and giving them a political direction at the right moment.

“Their ability to influence is great – continues Pirani – because they trigger a domino effect that reaches the top of politics, at least those on the left. Landini keeps Camusso in the face; this in turn influences Vendola, Di Pietro and probably also Bersani. And so also the governments of the left are conditioned and often have a short life. In addition, Fiom has managed to set up a very influential media circle that starts from their website, to get to Santoro, Lerner and many others more or less known.”

"Fiat itself, like Confindustria - concludes Pirani - underestimated the political aspect of Fiom's action, thus conducting a strictly trade union negotiation while we were faced with a much wider problem of a political and even before cultural nature .”

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