
Alternative PIRs, managers: "They will help the growth of SMEs"

During a streaming event organized by Assogestioni, the managers promoted the alternative PIRs introduced by the Relaunch decree with full marks, highlighting the greater attention that the market will thus be able to reserve for small and medium-sized enterprises

Alternative PIRs, managers: "They will help the growth of SMEs"

Promoted with full marks. Alternative PIRs introduced by the relaunch decree will succeed not only in giving new impetus to individual savings plans after the difficulties experienced in 2019, but also and above all in helping the country's growth. This is what emerged during an event on PIR organized by Assogestioni in collaboration with FocusRisparmio and with the companies supporting the Salone del Risparmio which was attended by Stefano Scalera (Mef), Saverio Perissinotto, managing director of Eurizon, and Tommaso Corcos, managing director of Fideuram – Intesa Sanpaolo Private Banking.

ALSO READ: Alternative PIRs and traditional PIRs: the 5 (important) differences

“We have always believed in PIRs, since 2017 with the launch of the traditional ones,” he said Fabio Galli, president of Assogestioni. “The regulation on PIRs is very important for two main reasons: first, the long term, with the incentive to remain invested over time, keeping a cool head in times of difficulty. Second, that of moving towards hitherto inaccessible asset classes such as unlisted illiquid instruments – a step that takes us towards the real economy”.

During the event, Nicola Ronchetti, founder and CEO of the research institute FINER Finance Explorer, presented a research conducted on 2.700 subjects. The analysis showed that among end investors there was a growth in both knowledge (+14% compared to the first survey) and interest (+13%) in investments in the real economy after the pandemic. Not only, according to Equita, the alternative PIRs will be able to raise 2-3 billion a year, until it reaches 10-15 billion in 5 years. 

"It is strategic for the industry to develop the offer of closed private market funds, which are and will be increasingly important in the Italian market - he says Saverio Perissinotto, CEO of Eurizon – If we look at the evolution of other international markets, we observe a growing presence of private market funds and I believe that this tool could be an opportunity for Italian management companies that have the necessary skills to grow in this segment of business”. “I am convinced that the alternative asset class makes a contribution in terms of optimizing the overall portfolio on condition that one knows and accepts its rules. It is appropriate for the investor to be aware of the investment instrument and to have the appropriate capital capacity ”, he concluded.

“Alternative PIRs – he explained instead Thomas Corcos, president of Assogestioni and CEO of Fideuram Private banking – are an extremely important “system” development tool, because they aim to finance the SME market, a segment towards which traditional PIRs were less attentive”.

Speaking of traditional and alternative PIRs, Corcos added: “there is no doubt that clear and stable legislation will be able to encourage sustained collection; the asset management industry and the advisory networks are committed to relaunching the economy, with great concreteness. Finally, it is fair to underline the importance of ESG issues, given that there is an increasing awareness that investing in a "sustainable" way leads to better long-term results".
