
Piombino, is made for the sale of the former Lucchini to Jindal

The Acciaierie di Piombino (formerly Lucchini, now Aferpi) pass from the Algerian group Cevital to the Indian group Jindal: the announcement was made by the Mise – Now the unions are waiting for the new industrial plan.

Piombino, is made for the sale of the former Lucchini to Jindal

The transfer of the Piombino steelworks (formerly Lucchini, now Aferpi) was signed at the Mise from the Algerian group Cevital to the Indian group Jindal. This was announced by the Ministry of Economic Development, noting how the agreement came "at the end of a long and complex negotiation". Minister Carlo Calenda and the President of the Tuscany Region Enrico Rossi express satisfaction for the positive conclusion of an affair which put at risk one of the most important Italian iron and steel poles and the jobs of 2.000 people. "The Ministry and the Region will closely monitor future developments and compliance with all commitments", concludes a joint note from the Ministry of Economic Development and the Tuscany Region.

Now that the signature has been placed and hope has been restored for the future of the Piombino steel mill, the pressing of the unions has begun to find out with certainty what the details of this agreement and the relative industrial plan are. AND' National uilm, in a note, to underline this important step for the opening of a new era with the Indian group of Jindal.

“The exhausting Algerian management of the Piombino plant in social and industrial terms must be quickly overcome with a real relaunch project. – reads the note signed by the national Uilm – We are therefore waiting to be able to confront the new management of Jsw on an industrial level which, unquestionably, will have to envisage the restart of steel production as a fundamental objective. While waiting for this to happen, it is necessary immediately to restart the rolling mills at full capacity, recover the market shares lost in recent years and restore the always appreciated credibility and reliability of the former Piombino steelworks; above all, this will make it possible to reduce the use of social safety nets, to recover workers' wages and to restart related industries”.
