
Rain of dividends today on Piazza Affari: over 8 billion

Coupon detachment for 20 blue chips for a total of over 8 billion euro: the distribution of dividends will weigh on the FtseMib for 2,17% - The most significant check is that of Intesa Sanpaolo, followed by that of Eni

Rain of dividends today on Piazza Affari: over 8 billion

Ex-dividend today in Piazza Affari for over 8 billion euros. The rain of rich dividends, which will weigh on the FtseMib for the 2,17%, it concerns 20 blue chips out of the 40 that make up the main list of the Milan Stock Exchange. 

The most relevant check will knock it off Intesa Sanpaolo which will distribute 2,2 billion euros to its shareholders. It will be followed byEni, 0,40 euro per share for a total of 1,5 billion euro, partly already allocated next year in the autumn. Among the Big, the generous coupons also stand out UnipolSai (over 8%) and of Azimuth: 8% if we consider, in addition to the ordinary dividend (50 cents) which will be paid on Monday, also the extraordinary detachment of 1 euro per share already scheduled for the last months of the year. 

Today's prices will of course be influenced by the coupon allocation.
Here are all the coupons arriving today from the Ftse Mib companies:

ANIMA 0,25 €
ATLANTA 0,480 euros on balance
AZIMUT 0,50 €
B. POP. MILAN 0,027 €
BUZZI UNICEM ordinary and savings €0,075
CAMPARI 0,09 €
ENI 0,40 euros on balance
FERRARI 0,46 €
GENERAL 0,72 €
INTESA SANPAOLO ordinary 0,14 €
INTESA SANPAOLO savings 0,151 €
MONCLER 0,14 €
SNAM 0,25 €
TENARIS $0,15 down payment
UBI BANCA 0,11 €
UNIPOL 0,18 €
UNIPOLSAI 0,15 euro.

To these must be added others 47 medium and small companies, among which exceptional yields can be found. Like Saras (just under 11% but after a six-year fast), Erg (8,65%) and Cattolica Assicurazioni (5,8%).
