
GDP: France disappoints, Germany stable

The Bank of France has cut its estimates on transalpine GDP for 2016 and 2017, respectively to +1,4% and +1,6% – Estimates on inflation are also down – The Bundesbank confirms growth forecasts for the economy for this year and next

GDP: France disappoints, Germany stable

La Bank of France cuts the estimates on GDP for 2016 and 2017. According to the institute, the transalpine GDP will mark a 0,4% increase in the last quarter of the current year, allowing the French economy to close 2015 with growth of 1,2% on an annual basis, in line with previous estimates.

However, as mentioned, the estimates on the GDP 2016 and 2017, which decrease to +1,4% and +1,6% respectively. Estimates on inflation are also decreasing: consumer prices will grow by 0,1% throughout 2015, by 1% in 2016 and by 1,5% in 2017.

Moving on to Germany, however, the Bundesbank confirmed the GDP forecasts for this year and for next, at +1,5% and +1,7% respectively. Estimates for 2018 have also been raised, from +1,7% to +1,9%. On the other hand, inflation forecasts have been cut: to 0,2% (from 0,5%) for 2015, to 1,1% (from 1,8%) for 2016, to 2% (from 2,2%) for 2017.
