
Small local productions, from the Senate yes to direct sales

The products deriving from cultivation or breeding carried out exclusively on the land pertaining to the company can be sold to the final consumer.

Next to the products at zero kilometer they arrive in the markets too small local productions, i.e. those deriving from cultivation or breeding carried out exclusively on the land pertaining to the agricultural or fish farm, intended, in limited quantities in absolute terms, for immediate consumption and for direct sale to the final consumer within the province in which the production site is located and in the neighboring provinces.

The Senate floor has just approved the bill to promote and enhance the production, processing and sale, by agricultural and fish entrepreneurs, of limited quantities of company products, recognizable by a specific indication and brand on the label.

We will talk about it again in the Chamber for the definitive yes, but in the meantime the guidelines have been drawn up. Agricultural entrepreneurs, single or associated, registered in the register of companies can carry out direct sales activities; the products must be those from mainly from the respective companies and in small quantities as a marginal part of production to supplement income; Municipalities set up or authorize direct sales agricultural markets; small local productions must be sold in compliance with European and national provisions concerning labeling and presentation (in particular, the wording "PPL - small local productions" followed by the municipality or province of production and the business registration number ).

Obviously penalties are foreseen: the operator who places agricultural or food products on the market qualifying them as PPL products, or uses the labeling or trademark in the absence of the requisites, faces an administrative fine ranging from 1.600 euros to 9.500 euros.
