
Piazza Affari against the tide: closes in the red (-0,79%) with banks and energy at two speeds

Banks and energy at two speeds and in the end Piazza Affari folds and closes in red (-0,79%), the only one of the major European stock exchanges that all remain positive – Saipem still flies, the Agnelli galaxy (Fca and CNH), Ferragamo run and Banco Popolare – Sales on Yoox, Intesa, Atlantia and Campari – The Btp-Bund spread at 110.

Piazza Affari against the tide: closes in the red (-0,79%) with banks and energy at two speeds

European stock exchanges slowed at the end of the session with the Ftse Mib slipping in the red to -0,79%. They manage to close in positive territory, albeit with fractional gains, London +0,16%, Paris +0,14%, Frankfurt +0,69% where the Volkswagen stock scores its first rebound after the scandal of falsified emissions and in the aftermath of the tough savings and efficiency plan announced by the new number one of the Wolfsburg group Matthias Mueller.

The morning had started on the upside for the European stock exchanges with purchases on energy, mining and cars. In the afternoon, however, the data on oil stocks in the USA was communicated, which turned out to be much higher than forecasts. Indeed, they increased by 3,073 million barrels to 460,997. 

Today the treasury placed 3,5 billion of the new BTP-i benchmark indexed to inflation in the euro area, obtaining demand for 9,3 billion. Also today, the Treasury announced that 7 billion annual bonds will be auctioned on Monday compared to the 8 billion annual bonds maturing. Furthermore, the Treasury communicated that, due to the absence of specific cash requirements, the quarterly BoT will not be offered on 12 October.

On Wall Street the Dow Jones up 0,13% and S&P500 up 0,23%. Sales of US government bonds in the wake of the rise in oil prices. The 2,06-year yield is 0,64%. In closing, however, WTI oil returned to losing ground and lost 48,22% to 0,21 dollars a barrel. The euro-dollar exchange rate dropped 1,1248% to XNUMX. 

In Piazza Affari flies Saipem +7,81%. The purchases of the day are confirmed on Ferragamo +4,6%. Banco Popolare +1,64% on the day in which the verdict was expected, the Tar of Lazio which, however, is postponed to February. Also shop on FCA +1,41%, despite the threats of a strike by the US trade union Uaw, e Cnh Industrial +1,03%, both among the best titles in the Ftse Mib.

The sales that weigh down Piazza Affari, the only one of the main European lists to close in the red, concern Intesa Sanpaolo -2,88%, on fears that Compagnia San Paolo is about to sell 4% of its shares in its portfolio (out of the total 9,37% it owns), in order to comply with the legislation which requires foundations not to hold more than a third of their assets invested in a single asset. But impressed I am also Campari -2,7%, Atlantia -2,42% and Yoox Net-A-Porter -2,32%. Among the worst Tenaris, -1,97% penalized by Credit Suisse valuations.
