
Juncker Plan, Renzi: Italy will contribute 8 billion CDP

The premier announced on Twitter that Italy will contribute 8 billion euros to the European investment plan with an initiative by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. Satisfaction with the Ecofin go-ahead on the 2015 stability law

Juncker Plan, Renzi: Italy will contribute 8 billion CDP

In Juncker plan There will also be 8 billion which will come from Italy. He announces it this morning on Twitter the chairman of the board Matteo Renzi I specify that they will come from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti.

The message comes while an Ecofin meeting is underway in Brussels where the formal go-ahead for the 2015 stability law must arrive. Yesterday the Economy Minister Piercarlo Padoan had anticipated the ok from the council of European finance ministers.

Precisely on this point the premier Matteo Renzi he always rejoiced on Twitter for the positive judgment on the stability law, defining the work done in the last year by his Executive "impressive".
