There is no more time for mediation, nor for convincing the trade unions: lo petrol station strike on 25-26 January it will be done and on the Italian roads there is the risk of hours of chaos. the Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy tried to the last: "Revoke the strike, it's only damaging to the citizens", he had asked over the weekend, but the trade associations did not give in: "the declarations of the minister are yet another demonstration of the confusion in which the Government moves in this affair”.
But there are news on the duration. The national presidency Faib Confesercenti, meeting urgently, following the meeting with Minister Urso, considered the openings presented by the Government to be "positive". The decision will be presented at the coordination meeting with the other groups, scheduled for tomorrow morning, Wednesday 25 January.
Petrol station strike 25-26 January
The protest is triggered by the decree approved on January by the Council of Ministers which obliges distributors to display a sign that they show to motorists regional average fuel prices. An obligation that the Government interprets as a request for transparency, but which petrol attendants see as an abuse, above all after the accusations received from members of the Executive who had spoken of “price speculation” by some operators. Calculator in hand, it was immediately clear that the government's decision to eliminate the cut in excise duties imposed by the Draghi government in order to control prices.
Faib, Fegica and Figisc / Anisa, who say they cover about 80% of unionized distributors, explain that the strike was called "to protest against the shameful smear campaign against the category and the ineffective measures of the government who continue to penalize only the managers without protecting consumers. For avoid new increases the price of fuel".
Petrol station strike 25-26 January: risk of chaos, here are the times
The strike will start at 19 on Tuesday 24 January and will end at 19pm on Thursday 26 January, bringing 48 hours of chaos to Italian roads and highways. But pay attention to the timetables: if in fact on ordinary roads you will leave, as mentioned, at 19, on highways the strike will begin at 22pm on Tuesday.
Petrol station strike 25-26 January: self-services also closed
The distributors will also close their doors in protest self service. However, the petrol stations have undertaken to guarantee the essential services, therefore some service stations on a provincial basis will remain open. In particular, it was established that in the urban areas and extra-urban areas, the service of a number of systems equal to 50% of those scheduled on public holidays remains active. It will be up to the prefectures to identify those who will be in service. AND the highways? The activity of one distributor every 100 kilometers will be guaranteed. In this case the choice will be up to the Regions.