
January 2025 Pensions: When Will the Payment Arrive? Increases, Adjustments and All the News on the INPS Payslip

INPS has published the January 2025 pension pay slip with information on adjustments, deductions and the final revaluation index for the year 2024. Here are the details

January 2025 Pensions: When Will the Payment Arrive? Increases, Adjustments and All the News on the INPS Payslip

January 2025 it's now just around the corner and with it also the board. At the moment, however, there are no news certain, given that until the final approval of the Budget Law, everything is still up in the air. From revaluation of checks to any adjustments taxes, without forgetting the possible delays in payments: here are all What's new in the January 2025 pension slip? online on the INPS site.

Pension January 2025, when is it paid?

La January 2025 pension payment date sled to Friday 3, the second working day of the month. Due to the January 1st holiday, the first banking day will be January 2nd; therefore, payments will be made immediately thereafter with a single mandate that includes all pension and welfare benefits of the beneficiary.

However, if the amount exceeds one thousand euros net, it will not be possible to receive the payment in cash. In this case, the pensioner will have to update his/her Bank account details via the online service “Change pension credit details” on the INPS portal.

Will there be increases for January 2025 pensions?

There are no surprises regarding the2024 pension revaluation index. The index, which was confirmed at 5,4%, has been applied starting from 1 January 2024. This means that pensions have already been revalued in advance, and no revaluation adjustments are expected for January 2025.

'Syear of production 2025, the index of revaluation of pensions it has been provisionally fixed to 0,8%. However, there is an “if”: the balance any differences will be made the following year. This means that the actual revaluation of pensions for 2025 could be subject to changes next year, depending on inflation trends.

Not all services are subject to this renewal, in fact, pension support benefits (such as the extraordinary allowance, early retirement pension, social Ape) are not revalued, as they are not included in pension benefits.

Furthermore, the January 2025 pay slip could include adjustments related to any changes in pensions for the previous year, in particular for pensions for 2024. If theamount received in 2024 was incorrectly calculated (too low or too high), INPS will make a correction, which can be found on the pay slip as "Pension Renewal Adjustment".

Tax Withholdings: What's Changing for 2025?

A fundamental part of the pay slip concerns tax deductions. For the year 2025, INPS has carried out the recalculation of tax withholdings for 2024, included Personal income tax and regional surcharges e municipal. If the tax withholdings were made in an amount lower than what was due, the institute will recover the difference through the payment of pensions for January and February 2025, even if this means that the pensioner will receive a lower amount or, in the most extreme cases, the amount of the pension will be zeroed out.

In case the pensioner has a total annual amount of pensions up to 18 thousand euros and the balancing has generated a debt over 100 euros, the recovery of the differences will be in installments fino and november 2025. This is to prevent the amount to be recovered from weighing too heavily on the pensioner in one go.

Finally, starting from January 2025, in addition to the monthly Irpef, the regional and municipal surcharges for the year 2024 will also be withheld. These withholdings will be divided into 11 installments during the following year and will be certified in the Unique Certification 2025.

Not all the performances however are subject to taxation. Civil disability benefits, pensions or social benefits and some specific benefits (such as those for those residing abroad or for victims of terrorism) are not taxed.

News for those retiring in 2025

Starting from January 1, 2025, the following changes will occur: rules for calculating pensions for those who are part of the contributory system (i.e. those who started paying contributions in 1996). transformation coefficient will be reduced, so Those retiring in 2025 will receive a lower amount compared to those who retired in 2024. However, good news, those who retire in 2025 will benefit from a more advantageous revaluation of the contributions accumulated during their working career.

No news regarding the established pension requirements laid down by the reform Fornero. To retire at old age in 2025, you must be 67 years old and have paid at least 20 years of contributions. Those who wish to access the early retirement must be at least 42 years old and have 10 months of contributions, with no age limit.

Read EVEN Early retirement at 64 years of age
