
Pensions, Renzi: "From August 500 to 4 million pensioners"

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi promises: “No pensioner will lose a cent. We will write a law regarding the blocking of indexing which will return 4 euros each to 500 million Italians from August XNUMX" - CGIL: "Good, but it's not enough if it's a one-off" - Renzi on school: "Most is ready for an evaluation system”

Pensions, Renzi: "From August 500 to 4 million pensioners"

Prime Minister Matteo Renzi anticipated the solution to the question of the pension repayments: from August 500 euros each will arrive for 4 million pensioners, i.e. those who earn less than 3 thousand euros a month. The measure is one-off, costs 2,2 billion and will be covered by the 2 billion already allocated for anti-poverty measures. 

“No pensioner will lose a cent – ​​said the Prime Minister to the microphones of L'Arena -. We will write a new law regarding the blocking of indexing which will return 500 euros each to four million Italians on August 3st. Pensions over 2 euros will be cut: obviously it will not be a full refund. But there are XNUMX billion that I had kept for anti-poverty measures". 

According to the secretary of the pensioners of the CGIL (Spi-Cgil), Carla Cantone, “it is a good thing that we are starting to tackle the problem with medium-low pensions, but Renzi cannot get away with just a one-off bonus. Surely it's better than nothing but the open question can't end here or like this. He would do well to confront us so as not to make mistakes”. 

Yesterday the Premier also announced that “maximum by next year we will finish the Salerno-Reggio Calabria“. As for the school, Renzi said that “you don't play on the skin of the boys. Professors need to understand that you can't threaten the blocking of ballots. Anyone who wants to talk about school will find an attentive interlocutor in the government. I think most professors are ready for an evaluation system”. 
