
Pensions: Quota 100 will end in 2020 or 2021

Pd and M5S discuss the fate of the flagship measure of the League: it could be canceled a year in advance or reach expiry without being extended

Pensions: Quota 100 will end in 2020 or 2021

Cancellation one year in advance or natural death due to no extension? The fate of 100 quota you play between these two options. At the moment, the only certainty is that the flagship measure of the League - introduced with the latest budget - it will not continue in any case beyond the three years foreseen (2019-2021). Perhaps you will decide to pull the plug with 12 months early, in 2020, but it's still too early to tell. The discussion on Quota 100 is one of the most delicate in the negotiation between Pd and M5S on the program of the new government.

The goal is to reach a compromise that allows the Movement not to backtrack too clearly on one of the most prominent innovations among those introduced with the last manoeuvre. At the same time, however, the agreement must also satisfy the Democratic Party, which has always been critical of the intervention.

Odds 100 lets retire with at least 62 years of age and at least 38 years of contributions. It does not replace the Fornero law at all – as Salvini continues to repeat – but limits itself to introducing an additional channel for early retirement, which is not at all advantageous in economic terms.

In the last year, the measure has been criticized by the opposition, by the European Commission and by the Court of Auditors because, at least on paper, it is very expensive: 21 billion over the three-year period, 48 in the event of a 10-year extension. Resources that according to many it would be wiser to allocate to one guarantee pension for young people, who in a few decades risk finding themselves with checks that are inadequate to guarantee a decent standard of living.

Fortunately for public coffers, the Italians have realized that Quota 100 is not a bargain, given that reducing the years of contributions paid lowers (even by a lot) the amount of the pension. Result: until 6 September, the applications received by INPS did not reach 176, much less than the 290 envisaged by the yellow-green government for this year. This means a consistent savings for the state: according to Pasquale Tridico, head of the social security institute, the outlay next year alone will be four billion less than forecast.

But once Quota 100 has been canceled (or expired), what will happen? The plan is to replace it with aSocial bee in a strengthened version, with less stringent requirements in order to widen the perimeter to a wider audience.
