
Pensions, news from the Government: stop increasing the retirement age for 15 categories

Four more are added to the 11 burdensome activities that give access to the Ape social - According to the Government, in this way around 10% of those who would retire in 2019 would be excluded from the adjustment - For now the discount only applies to age and not on the years of contributions

Pensions, news from the Government: stop increasing the retirement age for 15 categories

The negotiations on pensions between the government and the unions continue, engaged in a technical table at Palazzo Chigi. The automatic adjustment of the retirement age to life expectancy is not in question and from 2019 the bar will rise to 67 for everyone (clear indications on the need not to touch the rules in force arrived yesterday from Bank of Italy). But the Executive - according to the trade unions - is now proposing to exclude 15 categories of workers from the update.

Previously there was talk of 11 categories, the same ones that – under certain conditions – have access to the Ape social.
Here's the list:
– nursing and midwifery professions;
– kindergarten teachers;
– caregivers porters;
– people involved in the movement of goods;
– ecological operators;
– waste collectors and separators, unqualified personnel assigned to cleaning services;
– workers in the mining, construction and building maintenance industries;
– operators of cranes and mobile construction drilling machinery;
– truck and heavy vehicle drivers;
– train conductors and traveling staff;
– tanners of skins and furs.

To these are now added four more:
– maritime workers;
– fishermen;
– agricultural workers;
– steel workers.

Overall, according to the Government, in this way around 10% of those who would retire in 2019, i.e. 15-20 thousand people, would be excluded from the adjustment.

There are two requirements to enjoy the exemption:
– 36 years of contributions;
– at least 6 consecutive years spent carrying out one of the tasks foreseen.

However, again according to the unions, the Government would be willing to negotiate on these requirements.

The Executive would also aim to set up a commission that works until June or September to calculate the differences in life expectancy based on the work performed. This commission would include representatives of INPS, Istat, Inail, the Ministry of Health, the Treasury, the Ministry of Labor and perhaps even the workers' representatives themselves.

The unions, however, are not satisfied. “We are still in distant positions – said the confederal secretary of the CGIL, Roberto Ghiselli – if these conditions remain, they will not even allow us to relaunch at the negotiating table. We hope that things change”.

For the Cisl confederal secretary, Gigi Petteni, the proposal "is not sufficient for an agreement, but compared to yesterday there are steps forward: as long as the negotiation is open there is hope".

Also according to Domenico Proietti, confederal secretary of the Uil, he considers the government's proposal "insufficient".

The sin parties will meet again on Thursday morning and another technical table should be held on November 13, before the political meeting between the Executive and the general secretaries of CGIL, CISL and UIL.
