
Inps pensions, here's what the Italians take: the Center beats the North

Some surprising data emerge from the latest INPS report: in the Center pensions are higher than in the North, while in the South the disparity between men and women is more limited than in the rest of the country

Inps pensions, here's what the Italians take: the Center beats the North

Question: how much pension do Italians get? Answer: on average 1.486,23 per month. Lordi. This is revealed by one of the tables included in the last one INPS annual report, from which some surprises also emerge.

According to the calculations of the pension institution, which refer to 2016, the average amount of pensions is higher than in Centro that the North part, even if only slightly: 1.614 against 1.596 €. South instead it is much more detached, with his own 1.332 per month. However, the distribution of checks is by no means homogeneous: 47,1% go to the North, 30,7% to the South and just 19,5% to the Centre, while the remaining 2,6% ends up abroad.

But the most marked difference – and this is less surprising in Italy – remains that of gender. The average pension of men amounts to 1.761 € gross per month, almost a third more than the 1.245 € of the women.

By cross-referencing the data on geographical areas with those relating to gender, another unexpected data is obtained: in the South the difference between the pensions of males and females is lower than that recorded in the rest of the country. Of course, the phenomenon is explained by the fact that in the South we reason on lower amounts, but the disparity is in any case significantly smaller.

According to the numbers published by INPS, al North part the checks of the men are on average of 1.924 €, versus i 1.316 euro of the women. The one detachment is 608 euros, equal to about 31%. To the Centro, although the amounts are slightly higher, the gap is slightly lower: 596 euros. Again it is more or less the 30%, considering that the men receive an average pension of 1.933 € in front of the 1.337 € of the women.

Al South, however, the comparison is between the 1.532 € gross of men and 1.151 of the women. In this case the difference is 381 euros, or about 24 percent. 6-7% lower inequality than in the Center and North.
