
June 2020 pensions: Poste payment from 26 May

Those who receive the money at the post office can collect it at the ATM or at the counter, but following a calendar in alphabetical order - Over-75s can receive June 2020 pensions directly at home

June 2020 pensions: Poste payment from 26 May

Payment of pensions June 2020 by Poste Italiane will begin on 26 May. This is what a note from the group communicates, which had also taken a similar measure on pensions of May.

The change does not concern all retirees, but only those with one of the following instruments:

  • Saving account;
  • BancoPosta account;
  • Postepay Evolution.

Poste Italiane also specifies that holders of a Postamat card, of a Booklet card or one Postepay Evolution they will be able to withdraw cash from over 7 Postamat ATMs, without needing to go to the counter.


Retirees who instead they have to go to a post office to withdraw cash they must keep in mind another novelty: an alphabetical shift system that spreads the payment of June 2020 pensions from May 26 to May XNUMXst. The timetable to be respected is as follows:

  • surnames from A to B: pension payment on Tuesday 26st May;
  • surnames from C to D: pension payment on Wednesday 27st May;
  • surnames from E to K: payment of pensions on Thursday 28st May;
  • surnames from L to O: pension payment on Friday 29st May;
  • surnames from P to R: payment of pensions on Saturday morning 30st May;
  • surnames from S to Z: pension payment on Monday June 1.


The group then recalls that, given the exceptional situation due to the coronavirus pandemic, those over 75 who will collect their pension in June 2020 at the Post Office will be able to delegate the withdrawal of the Carabinieri, who will take the money home. The service is, of course, free.

"The new methods of payment of pensions are precautionary in nature and were introduced with the primary objective of guaranteeing the protection of the health of Poste Italiane's workers and customers - it continues in the group note – Therefore everyone is invited to wear a protective mask, to enter the office only when previous customers leave, to keep a distance of at least one meter, both when waiting outside the offices and in the rooms open to the public”.

2 thoughts on "June 2020 pensions: Poste payment from 26 May"

  1. I would like to know why in June the bank cannot pay pensions in advance. What is the difference between post office or bank pensioners? There are elderly people in the bank too and you still need an appointment to go to the bank. where am I paying? Shame on both INPS and the government.

