
Pensions: with a quota of 100 the check can go down by 30%

According to calculations by the Parliamentary Budget Office, the cut in the amount can vary from a minimum of 5,06% in the event of retirement just one year in advance of the Fornero Law, up to a maximum of 34,17% in the case of 6 years in advance

Pensions: with a quota of 100 the check can go down by 30%

Early retirement it means fewer contributions and therefore a lighter check. For this reason, “who opted for share 100 would suffer a reduction in the gross pension compared to that corresponding to the first useful exit with the current regime from around 5% in the case of an advance of only one year to over 30% if the advance is over 4 years”. This is the calculation of the Parliamentary Budget Office, illustrated by President Giuseppe Pisauro during a parliamentary hearing on the manoeuvre.

In detail, according to estimates by the Upb, the cut in the amount it can vary from a minimum of 5,06% in the case of retirement just one year in advance of the Fornero Law, up to a maximum of 34,17% in the case of 6 years in advance.

Only in 2019 could they retire with a quota of 100 up to “437.000 active taxpayers”, continues Pisauro, underlining that if everyone left there would be an "increase in gross spending of 13 billion euros".

This estimate "is not directly comparable with the resources allocated to the Fund for the revision of the pension system for various factors: from the replacement rate of potential retirees with new active workers to assessments of a subjective nature (health condition or hardship at work) or objective (substitution rate between income and pension, prohibition of cumulation between pension and other income, other forms of penalisation)".

Pisauro also specified that – precisely because early retirement with a quota would result in a reduction of the allowance – the government believes that "half of the people who could use the 100 quota will choose not to retire".
