
Pensions, Cazzola (Civic choice): no chaos on the Fornero reform

"Civic choice for Italy does not deem it necessary or even less urgent to convene a majority meeting to take stock of the changes to be made to the Monti government's pension reform", which "has guaranteed credibility on the financial markets and among our interlocutors".

Pensions, Cazzola (Civic choice): no chaos on the Fornero reform

"Unlike the presidents of the Labor commissions of the Chamber and Senate, respectively of the Pd and the Pdl, Civic Choice for Italy does not deem it necessary or much less urgent to convene a majority meeting to take stock of the changes to be made to the reform of pensions of the Monti government”. Giuliano Cazzola, head of the welfare area of ​​Civic Choice writes it.

“Consequently – continues Cazzola -, Civic Choice shares and appreciates the prudence with which Ministers Giovannini and Saccomanni address the issue of pensions, both aware that the Fornero reform has guaranteed, to a large extent, the credit recovery of which our country still enjoyed on the financial markets and among our interlocutors. Enrico Letta should take this into account, given that, in his visits to the European chancelleries, the prime minister has heard these same recommendations repeated several times".
