
April pensions, post office advance payment to 26 March

As a precaution given the coronavirus emergency, for those who necessarily have to go to the counters, there will be a shift in alphabetical order, from 26 March to 1 April - May and June checks will also be anticipated.

April pensions, post office advance payment to 26 March

To avoid queues and more effectively stagger the influx of people to the counters, Poste Italiane has decided following an ordinance of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers to bring forward the payment of pensions to 26 March: from that day, collection will be possible in over 7.000 Postamat outlets throughout the country (for Postamat, Carta Libretto or Postepay Evolution card holders), while for those who necessarily need to go to the offices (open these days despite the coronavirus emergency , albeit at a reduced rate) for cash withdrawal, was designed a shift in strict alphabetical order.

By giving the news, Poste also recalled the rules to carry out all operations in maximum safety, with respect for others and for staff: therefore, it invites "citizens to go to the post office exclusively for essential and undeferrable operations", reminding each customer to enter the office one at a time ("only when the previous customer leaves"), keeping the distance of one meter both while queuing outside and once you enter, and wearing - if you have one - a mask.

Those who, on the other hand, cannot avoid withdrawing their pension in cash they will have to show up at the counters respecting the alphabetical rotation foreseen by the following calendar:

  • Surnames from A to B on Thursday 26 March
  • from C to D on Friday 27 March
  • from E to K on the morning of Saturday 28 March
  • from L to O on Monday 30th March
  • from P to R on Tuesday 31st March
  • from S to Z on Wednesday 1st April

In the current health emergency, explains the note from Poste Italiane, the new methods of payment of pensions are precautionary in nature and were introduced with the primary objective of guaranteeing the protection of the health of Poste Italiane workers and customers.

The same procedure will take place, the INPS anticipated again following the government order, also for the pensions for May and June, which will be paid respectively at the end of April and at the end of May, also in that case following an alphabetical staggering. “The relative calendar will be communicated close to the deadline”, wrote the INPS.
